UPDATE 12-03-2021: We have now closed the call and we are currently preparing the interviews. Stay tuned!
Dear Leibniz Postdocs,
one of the main goals of the Leibniz Postdoc Network is to raise the profile of postdocs working at the institutes of the Leibniz Association. Since our inaugural meeting in 2017 we have worked towards this goal establishing a new website and growing our social media channels. Adding to these and several other ongoing activities and initiatives we are currently planning to start a blog series on our website that highlights the work of postdocs more specifically. While science & research during the pandemic have been in the spotlight like never before, we almost exclusively see PIs and professors whose voices are amplified and broadcasted while the essential work that early career researchers contribute to increase our knowledge mostly remains invisible to the public.
Our idea is to have short form interviews, a photo and one or two links to recent publications and/or websites of these individuals. As overarching topic for this blog series we plan to present a very broad range of research on the Covid-19 pandemic, spanning everything from sociology to environmental impacts to molecular biology and medicine.
If you are working or have been working on a pandemic-related topic and would be willing to answer a few questions via email we would love to hear back from you. Alternatively you can nominate a colleague who you think should be interviewed in this format. In both cases, please send your nomination by email with the subject line “WG2 Blog Interview” to .
We look forward to get this started with you!
Your working group Public Communication and Advocacy