Welcome Package For Postdocs 2.0 Prepared by the Leibniz PostDoc Network, Work & Health working group

This post was written by Dr. Jacqueline Kroh, Dr. Judith Boldt, and Dr. Katarzyna Hnida-Gut from the Working Group Work & Health.

We are very happy to announce an updated and expanded version of the Welcome package for PostDocs!

Just like the old version of the Welcome Package, we aim to inform you about the most important topics related to living and working in Germany. In the all-in-one document you can, for instance, learn what documents are needed to register your stay in Germany, how to search for medical help in your language, where you can find different sports activities, and much, much more. The Welcome package was prepared by PostDocs for PostDocs, because who better knows your troubles than your peers?

But what’s new? First, we added some important information on worker’s councils and staff representatives in Germany. Since you might have one at your institute, you find some brief information about who they are, what they do, and how they might help you. Second, we included relevant information on parental allowance and child benefits. Third, we added some informative links and numbers for mental health services, since mental health is an important issue that is oftentimes still overlooked. Finally, we checked all the information and links provided by the first version and updated them. So, have a look 😊

We do our best to offer you the most recent information and links, as well as consider the most relevant topics. For that, the document is always open for improvements 😉 and we need your help! If you feel something important is missing or information is incorrect, please contact the Work & Health Working Group coordinators. Every idea and suggestion are welcome! 😊 If you want to get directly involved with the Welcome package or any other topic regarding working conditions and mental health, you can also join the working group.

Welcome to the vibrant Leibniz PostDoc Network!

PS: To stay up to date on our activities and events, sign up for our mailing list and follow us on X/Twitter as well as on Linkedin!

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