This post was written by Dr. Regina Becker and Dr. Harry Williams, coordinators of the Working Group “WG1 PostDoc Survey”. We are immensely pleased to announce that, after several months of data analysis and report
This is a guest post by Marta Ferreira Gomes who participated in an online workshop hosted by our network. On April 29th, the Leibniz PostDoc Network hosted an online workshop on Lateral Leadership. The session,
This is a guest post by the organisers of the workshop, Dr. Steve Doo, formerly a postdoc at MfN Berlin (now at University of Hawaii), and Dr. Henry Wu, postdoc at ZMT Bremen. Here you
This is a guest post by the organisers of the workshop, Dr. Steve Doo, currently a postdoc at MfN Berlin, and Dr. Henry Wu, postdoc at ZMT Bremen. “What would you do if you left
This is a guest post by Leibniz PostDoc Network spokeswoman Marta Ferreira-Gomes. Bridging the Teaching Gap: Empowering Leibniz PostDocs with New Skills In the academic world, PostDocs often find themselves teaching without proper training. Recognizing
This is a guest post by Leibniz PostDoc Network spokeswoman Marta Ferreira-Gomes The annual networking meeting 2023 of the Leibniz PostDoc Network was held at the DRFZ Berlin on September 21st and 22nd. This year,
If you ask a postdoc: “Have you ever been thrown into cold water – and if so: when?” They would probably answer: “Yes, I was asked to teach.” Teaching is a key element of an