UPDATE 12-03-2021: We have now closed the call and we are currently preparing the interviews. Stay tuned! Dear Leibniz Postdocs, one of the main goals of the Leibniz Postdoc Network is to raise the profile
4th Annual Meeting of the Leibniz PostDoc Network
Dear Leibniz PostDoc Network Community, We are writing to update the community on recent events that have occurred within the Leibniz PostDoc Network. We recently had our 4thAnnual Meeting of the Leibniz PostDoc Network online
The Leibniz PostDoc Survey
As many of you might already know, the Leibniz PostDoc Survey is currently open for participation and we urge all of you current (and incoming) postdoctoral researchers at all Leibniz Institutes to fill the online
Update on COVID-19 Actions of the Leibniz PostDoc Network
Today, we want to provide you with a brief update on the recent efforts the Leibniz PostDoc Network is working on to promote the needs of postdoctoral researchers within the Leibniz Association. A few weeks
Communication of Leibniz President Prof. Kleiner concerning the situation of early career scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic
Leibniz President Prof. Kleiner addressed a constructive statement to all Leibniz Institutes’ directors on 30 May 2020: Betreff: Zur Situation junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den Leitungen der Leibniz-Einrichtungen, die Covid19-Pandemie
COVID-19 Actions of the Leibniz PostDoc Network
As in other fields of work, the COVID-19 pandemic also has a strong impact on science and research. Especially early career researchers and those with (child-)care obligations are severely affected by this unprecedented situation. We
Starting a new decade with a kick-off!
At the end of last month, after two days of very productive sessions where the main topics were outreach and visibility, we left the Leibniz headquarters in Berlin with a feeling of content as we