At the end of last month, after two days of very productive sessions where the main topics were outreach and visibility, we left the Leibniz headquarters in Berlin with a feeling of content as we were able to start an active campaign to get you, the Leibniz PostDoc community, more engaged in this network. Our aim is to be a way for you to feel included in a community of scientists which share similar life and work situations and to learn and support each other.
Our goals were met by:
- Developing and distributing an email-based service which each network member can be included in by just subscribing to the email list. At the moment we have over 350 subscribers and we are certain that this number will increase.
- To produce a communique to all institutes informing you about our outreach attempts.
- Creating a webpage, which as you can see is alive and kicking! Here we invite you all to follow the networks activities.
- Review the draft of the upcoming PostDoc survey. This over 2-year project is our attempt to understand your needs as PostDoc researchers at Leibniz. It’s due to become public this Spring and we are looking forward to your collaboration and later presenting you the results.
Additionally, and mainly aiming at our international members, our career development group put efforts to reach out with important information about what to consider when getting a PostDoc position here in Germany. Their final work will be available on this webpage soon.
We feel confident that starting from this year we can build a diverse network where your participation and opinions are the key to its success.
Let’s keep in touch!
Your Leibniz PostDoc Network team!