Dr. Ajit Ahlawat is a postdoc at TROPOS – Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research in Leipzig. In his research he investigated the role of aerosol particles in the (indoor) spread of SARS-CoV-2 Name / Institute:
Blog series #2: The immune response in severe COVID-19 cases
Dr. Marta Ferreira-Gomes is a postdoc at DRFZ – German Rheumatism Research Center Berlin and does research on B cells. In her studies on severe courses of COVID-19 she encountered an unexpected feature of the
Blog series #1: The Digitalization of Working Worlds
Dr. Alice Melchior is a postdoc at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and does research on digitalization. In her research on the digitalization of working worlds, she finds connections to the COVID-19
Communication of Leibniz President Prof. Kleiner concerning the situation of early career scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic
Leibniz President Prof. Kleiner addressed a constructive statement to all Leibniz Institutes’ directors on 30 May 2020: Betreff: Zur Situation junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den Leitungen der Leibniz-Einrichtungen, die Covid19-Pandemie
COVID-19 Actions of the Leibniz PostDoc Network
As in other fields of work, the COVID-19 pandemic also has a strong impact on science and research. Especially early career researchers and those with (child-)care obligations are severely affected by this unprecedented situation. We